Fighting Fascism For…More Fascism??

I am at a loss for words right now. I didn’t like Trump. I didn’t like Biden either. I didn’t support either of them this election. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am a fiscally moderate, socially progressive independent. I supported Brian Carroll of the American Solidarity Party this election, as I hated the division between the nations caused between the tewo major parties. However, I do congratulate Biden/Harris and their supporters/voters for their win, and condolences to Trump/Pence, their supporters/voters, and other presidential and vice presidential candidates and their supporters/voters who lost.

What is troubling to me though, is despite taking an adamant stance to fight Trump’s fascism, some members of the DNC seem to be turning into a case of “He Who Fights Monsters”, and dishing out their own brand of fascism.

On Nov. 6, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, tweeted this:“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future”

Theres also a stupid “Trump accountability” site whos’ goal seems to be “document and target anyone who so much as waved, glanced, uttered one positive word about Trump”

How is any of this going to solve anything except increase animosity between the two major parties? How is this petty politics going to heal the nation? Solve COVID? Fix the justice system? It isn’t. It’s another case of poltics over people. It is not just Trump supporters who oppose this at all, despite how much AOC gaslights that it is. Many people oppose this stupidity. Many progressives, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and independents who oppose this stupidity. I mean is fascism really the best start to the end of fascism? Tbh, this isn’t unexpected. I liked quite a few of AOC’s policies, but this fascism she seems to be embracing, definitely made me sure to erase her from my ever-shrinking list of “Major Party Candidates I Would Even Remotely Consider Voting Dem Or Repub For.”

We need more unity with people of different views represented, not just the 1–2 ideologies represented we have had for the past several decades. More diverse ideologies in the government will mean more exposure to GOP/DNC representatives to various points of view, which will shrink the “me vs. them” mentality, and allow for better candidates to be chosen by the parties for elections, which will eventually lead to a nation celebrating the differences in political ideologies instead of treating it like a “with me or against me” game of chess with their “rival” ideology, which will make stupidity like this less frequent in either major party. Fascism shouldn’t be the solution to fascism.



Politics Don't Have To Be Divisive

Fiscally moderate, socially compassionate/progressive. Cathoilc. Love music. Have ADHD and other disabilties,